Since the year 516, monks of many different orders have practiced an ancient way of life revolving around the phrase ora et labora—pray and work. Even today, monastic traditions still live this way of life.
Over the last few years—expedited by the COVID-19 Pandemic—work has changed dramatically for many people. Now, most employees headquarters are only 10 feet from their bedroom. Working from home certainly has its perks—no commutes, working in your sweat pants. Yet for all the perks, there is also much that has been lost. The tidy boundaries the office no longer exist, making difficult to know when you're on the clock and when you're off. And even though work friendships can certainly be strange, trading in-person relationships for digital ones is even stranger...and possibly even less human.
Every Thursday, we will be hosting Ora et Labora (Pray & Work) at Sojourn Church Carlisle. Ora et Labora is an opportunity for work-from-home employees (or anybody with flexibility in their day, really) to work up at the church in a communal work space. Throughout the day, we will have times of corporate prayer, as well as a time of communal lunch. We ask that participants do their best to participate in all of the communal events (including lunch), as they are able, but of course there's flexibility to join us for what you can.
Participants can arrive as early as 8:00AM, and can stay as long as they desire. Accommodations can be made to take private meetings and phone calls.
If you are interested in joining, you can hop in to our Group Me thread to stay up to date on the schedule.
9:00-9:15AM | A Corporate Prayer on Starting a Work Day
12:00-12:30PM | Mid-Day Prayer
12:30PM-1:00PM | Feasting Together
4:00-4:15PM | A Corporate Prayer on Finishing the Day