Event Detail

Summer Retreat

Summer Retreat

Retreat is the discipline of setting apart a time, individually or corporately, to step aside from the normal flow of life and give God our full and undivided attention. (An Invitation to a Journey, Robert Mulholland)

In the Gospel of Luke, there are numerous occasions when Jesus steps away from the hustle and bustle of His history-transforming work to commune with God. And the verses we have, it seems, are just the tip of the iceberg, as Gospel writer says in Luke 5:16 that Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.

This summer, we want to invite you to do as Jesus often did: create space for God by retreating, so that you might grow closer with Him.

As spiritual writer Adele Calhoun says, we often go on "'retreats' filled with lectures, late nights, constant activity and interaction with all kinds of people." This isn't a bad thing, but it is not retreating in the traditional sense of the word. So, this retreat is not a time to get things done—to sort through your email, catch up on Bible reading, or dream up that strategy for your next big life goal—rather, it is a time to come and rest in the Love of God.

The retreat will be hosted at the Nazareth Retreat Center (roughly 45 minutes from Louisville), in one of their gathering spaces. The retreat will be centered around the theme we talk about often: Our Identify (in Christ), Precedes Our Function. The retreat will be led by one of our pastors, not by the Retreat staff.

The price of the retreat is $20 which covers the cost of the facility rental and lunch for each individual.

We are not able to provide any type of childcare, and unfortunately, this event will not be conducive for children.

Below, you can find a tentative schedule for the day.


9:00 - Arrive and Settle In

9:30 - Welcome & Worship

10:00 - Teaching on Identity in Christ

10:45 - Time of Guided Meditation & Reflection on Identity Passages

12:00 - Lunch

1:00 - Screen-Free Free Time (Read a book, go for a walk, draw, nap, etc.)

2:30 - Guided Time of Prayer Reflecting on Earlier Passages

3:15 - Time of Group Sharing & Reflection

4:00 - Dismiss

Dates for Summer Retreat

    Registration closed on Wednesday, July 17, 2024